Wisk Aero, an air taxi company, received an important investment of $450 million from Boeing. With this investment, the startup company is expecting to become one of the most advanced and best-financed air mobility companies in the world. Wisk Aero emerged in 2019 as a joint venture between Boeing and Kitty Hawk, the company that focuses on flying taxis financed by Larry Page, co-founder of Google. Wisk had explained that it will be using the new investments to start a new fast-growing period, hiring new workers, nearly 350 people. The plan also includes starting a fabrication process that can start commercial transactions of the air taxis in the next five years. Within this scenario, the company expects to realize 14 million flights annually in approximately 20 important markets around the world. Needless to say, the project depends on the approbation of the regulator authorities of the United States. Until this moment, The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not approved any electrical vertical take-off and landing vehicle, known as Evtol, to be used for commercial purposes. According to the experts on the sector, the approbation period may take nearly 5 years. In recent times, there have also been other new companies that develop electric propulsion aircraft prototypes that can transport passengers within short distances in cities. It is estimated that the flying taxi market can reach up to $150 million of investment in 2035. Wisk seeks to expand to other markets too, and it already has intentions to try its electrical aircraft named Cora in New Zealand.