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Monkeypox (MPOX) Guide: Here are transmission routes, symptoms, and treatment

Türkiye's Ministry of Health has published a guide on Monkeypox (MPOX), which was declared an emergency by the World Health Organization. The 2024 guide includes information on the transmission routes, symptoms of the disease, what to do in case of contact with an infected person, and treatment methods.

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The guide includes the following information: "Such contact generally poses a risk for individuals who share the same household, those who remain in close proximity in enclosed spaces for extended periods, and healthcare workers who come into contact with infected individuals without using personal protective equipment. Transmission from an infected mother to her baby through the placenta has been reported. In such cases, congenital monkeypox symptoms may appear in the newborn at birth or immediately after birth. Transmission can also occur through close contact with the newborn if the mother has an active infection. The longest reported transmission chain to date involves six to nine people."